Who We are

Reliable Energy is Vital

In the heart of Southern Africa, where the sun shines relentlessly, a vision was born out of the darkness. It was a vision to bring light, hope, and a new way of life to communities plagued by energy shortages and the devastating effects of load shedding. This vision gave birth to Sevenza Energy, a company dedicated to harnessing the power of the sun and transforming it into a beacon of sustainable energy!!

Our Mission

To provide  reliable renewable energy to everyone through Solar Systems & Portable Solar Products. 

Our Story

We understand the frustration, the helplessness, and the daily struggles faced by businesses and individuals when electricity becomes a luxury.

Imagine a world where businesses no longer suffer financial losses due to power outages. Imagine schools where children can study without interruption, hospitals where life-saving equipment never goes dark, and homes where families can enjoy the comfort of electricity day and night. This is the future we envision, and we are making it a reality.

But our story doesn’t end with solar panels and inverters. It extends to the smiles on people’s faces when they experience the power of reliable energy. It is about creating sustainable solutions that uplift communities, protect the environment, and pave the way for a better tomorrow.

Sevenza Solar Products

Our Team

When you choose Sevenza Energy, you can trust that you are not just getting a product; you are gaining a dedicated team of professionals who are committed to your success!!

Godfrey Mlilo

Founder & President


Godfrey Mlilo is the visionary founder of Sevenza, a dynamic leader who is passionate about bringing value to customers and making a positive impact on communities. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by businesses and individuals, Godfrey is dedicated to developing innovative solutions that address critical needs and drive sustainable growth.

First hand Experience

Having witnessed firsthand the energy shortages and economic disruptions in Southern Africa, Godfrey recognized the immense potential of renewable energy to transform lives and uplift communities. This inspired him to establish Sevenza Energy, a company that specializes in selling and installing solar products to provide reliable and affordable energy solutions.


Driven by a deep sense of purpose and a desire to make a lasting difference, Godfrey Mlilo continues to lead Sevenza with dedication, integrity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Through his innovative vision and customer-centric approach, he is shaping the future of sustainable energy and inspiring others to embrace clean and efficient solutions for a brighter tomorrow.

Elisha Sakarombe

Finance Director

Maka Magwagwa

Area Manager

Maka serves as the Area Manager for Sevenza in Southern Africa while pursuing her studies in Accounting. Her role encompasses both financial management and office administration responsibilities. Maka is characterized by her unwavering commitment, fervent passion, and unwavering dedication, making her an invaluable member of our dedicated team.


Solar energy is harnessed through the use of solar panels, which contain photovoltaic (PV) cells. These cells convert sunlight into electricity using the photovoltaic effect. The electricity generated can be used to power homes, businesses, or stored in batteries for later use.

Solar energy offers numerous benefits, including:

Cost savings on electricity bills
Reduction in carbon footprint and environmental impact
Energy independence and security
Long-term reliability and durability of solar panels
Potential government incentives and tax credits

Solar panels can still generate electricity on cloudy days, although their efficiency may be reduced. During the night, when sunlight is unavailable, stored energy from batteries or the utility grid can be used to power your home or business.

Solar panels are built to be durable and can last for several decades. Most manufacturers offer warranties ranging from 25 to 30 years, and the actual lifespan of the panels can extend beyond that with proper maintenance.

Solar panels can be installed on various types of roofs, including flat roofs, sloped roofs, and even metal roofs. The installation process may vary depending on the roof’s characteristics, but a professional solar installer can determine the best approach for your specific roof.

Solar panels generally require minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning to remove dirt and debris is recommended to ensure optimal performance. Additionally, monitoring the system’s performance and checking for any potential issues can help identify maintenance needs.

Net metering is a billing arrangement that allows solar panel owners to receive credits for any excess electricity they generate and feed back into the grid. These credits can offset the cost of electricity consumed during times when solar panels are not producing enough energy, such as at night or during cloudy periods.

Depending on your location and the specific regulations in place, you may have the option to sell excess electricity back to the grid. This can be done through net metering or other incentive programs offered by your utility company or government entities.

 where energy shortages become a thing of the past and Southern Africa shines brightly once again